I have received a tremendous number of emails thanking me for writing When The Fools Of Elonia Attack and What If The Fools Of Elonia Live In Chelm.
It surprised me because I thought some of the people writing were obdurate regarding remaining prostrate before the felon.
Hell, some of them have been so obsequious I wondered if the men were considering switching sides so they could ask to service him. I have never seen such ridiculous fawning over a poorly educated, semi literate vapid fool.
But here we are.
Anyhoo, I did receive a note from someone who asked why I was running away from their comment.
I almost told them I remember them staring at me in the shower in a way that made me blush but I figured that wasn’t as interesting as sharing a few words in my own voice with them.

Do You Think I Am Stupid?
That was the question posed to me by one of the denizens of Elonia. I was pleased to answer without hesitation in the affirmative (dear troll, that means yes) and added gullible too.
The felon and his minions are engaged in a sciamachy because they know the rubes don’t bother fact checking them.
They know the first move of the rubes is to engage in insults and derision.
They don’t use facts or if they try to it is a clip from some random right wing conspiracy theorist that isn’t applicable to the situation or a misinterpretation of a law.
One of my favorite recent exchanges came from someone who speaks English as a second language.
They accused me of just being a hater and said I refuse to understand what is going on.
I reminded them I read Project 2025 in the original German and that no one will call ICE on me because I don’t sound like a foreigner.
Don’t mistake that to me that I think it is appropriate to call ICE just because someone is speaking something other than English. It is a shameful commentary on the state of the nation but it is also an accurate assessment of the position some people are taking.
I have heard multiple comments from people who were talking publicly about how they want to help the presidumb clean up our country.
Used to be the racists were more careful in showing their faces and true nature. But that is the thing, the deranged senior citizen in the oval office has made them feel ok about it.
Which reminds me, I can’t remember if my troll or some other Aryan in training told me that it was ridiculous to compare what is going on now to Nazi Germany.
I snorted and wondered how far off we are from a Kristallnacht type moment. The presidumb keeps claiming there is massive fraud in every department.
He keeps blaming Democrats for it and routinely refers to there being an invasion. He keeps talking about rounding those people up and putting them in camps.
It is not an exact duplicate but it is close enough.
BTW, I give him credit for that post above from Truth Social. Tiny Hands McThinskin knows in his heart what he is and that is part of why he hates himself, he knows he is weak.
He Would Be A Truculent Trollop
Someone once asked me if I could use one of the three wishes from a genie to punish 47 and I said it would be to make a him a woman of color who had to walk the streets.
“He has no respect for women, especially those of color so it would be fitting if that wish was used to make him one, he would be a truculent trollop.”
It is a ridiculous idea but he is a ridiculous man and that is being kind. I am less kind in my feelings towards the minions who claim he is a good guy with a good heart.
That is beyond stupid and naive. I have more respect for the racists who see him as a like minded individual because they’re honest about who and what they are.
It is almost time to wrap this up as I have other places to update and things to attend to. I am a fan of the quote above because it is significant, meaningful and important.
Too many people spit out things they have heard without any understanding of what they are sharing or saying.
They are quick to say “So and so said XYZ” but if you ask them why it is important they can’t explain it because they don’t understand it either.
Many are the same people who argue for an audit of government spending but don’t understand why you want accountants and not 20 something year old engineers.
The same people who are starting to figure out they are getting hurt by the reckless decisions being made now by deep state bureaucrats who haven’t found any fraud but have figured out how to get people they dislike removed.
We told you he wasn’t going to lower prices and that he would cut key government programs that help with cancer research, aid for children and health.
We told you he wasn’t going to get the hostages released any faster and we shared a video of him promising that hell would break out if they weren’t released before he took office.
It is just one of multiple promises he failed to uphold.
The good news is that there are far more lovers of democracy than fascism so a reckoning is coming for the fools of Elonia.
They’ll sputter and babble about having a mandate but we all know his margin of victory was tiny and that some of the GOP are beginning to have second thoughts about hitching their sail to a felon.
That is why the felon has avoided legislation, he knows most of his ideas are losers and unloved like him.
But the chips are beginning to fall, he keeps losing court cases and various senators and members of the House from his party are beginning to engage in CYA because they know a blue wave is on the horizon.
Not a question of if, but when.
We watched Elon’s son tell Trump to shut up and nothing happened. It is clear he is incapacitated. The losers that support him will eventually see they got suckered and that a tech bro is running things.