We start our tale off with the ending from The Graduate and a reminder these kinds of big changes can come at any age if you have the courage to follow your heart.
Almost five years ago I wrote The Consequences Of Truth Telling but I probably haven’t looked at it since I published it.
It showed up in my stats the other day so I decided to take another look and remembered how the more things change, the more they stay the same.
I wrote the following”
I realized I had been unfriended by several people and figured it is the consequences of truth telling.
I didn’t hold back about Trump being an unhinged disaster or Qanon being the province of the mentally ill, weak and ignorant.
Don’t know when they pulled the trigger and don’t care because none of them were important to me.
Those who cut ties were unhappy with my position on 45 and I haven’t any reason to believe that will change this time around.
I’d liked to wake up two years from now and say I was wrong about him and list a series of accomplishments that helped all Americans and maybe made the world better.
But I think I have a better chance of convincing Scarlett Johansson to spend the night with me. I think I have a better chance of being signed by the Dodgers to one game contract.
So I temper my expectations about a corrupt fool and his grumpy band of minions and misfits. There will be more people who unfriend me or are unfriended by me because of this guy.
Because there will not be any shared values there and their support of abhorrent, antidemocratic and inhumane policies will make it clear there is no reason to be connected.
I have many flaws but trying to create Christian nationalist based oligarchy isn’t among them.
I still hold to what I said here too.
Go back to the beginning and if you love me, well you better be prepared to accept quite a bit because I am not easy.
I dance in the fucking fire and am willing to speak my mind in a very blunt manner. Doesn’t mean I will, but I might and I expect to do/receive the same
It is not a one way street.
About That Foot
Remember how I wrote about wondering if I had broken my foot or not?
I didn’t go for an X-ray but I am pretty sure I didn’t break it, though it is pretty darn swollen. Actually I am told by family to remove the word pretty because they say that is not the word to describe it.
Doesn’t matter to me if it looks pretty or not. It didn’t stop me from going back to the gym or getting on the treadmill.
Didn’t stop me from reminding the kids we’re one day closer to 47 leaving office and one day closer to any goals we are currently working upon.
The trick to getting things done is getting started which is not to say I haven’t ever procrastinated or dragged my feet because I have.
But I have successfully moved mountains and pulled the moon out of the sky and expect to be able to do so again.
Got to focus a bit harder on my diet but I have made great progress on the exercise front and am starting to see and feel it.
It is a bit frustrating because I feel like I should see more than I do, but I won’t give up or give in.
It is not in my nature.
Keep pushing and keep fighting through the obstacles in front of you. Good things are coming.
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