There were no texts, emails or words on messenger so I went about my day and waited to see if an update would come.
None did and so I considered sending my own note because the silence is always noticeable but remained in my own chamber.
“You know how to reach me and where to go to read the thoughts not shared elsewhere. I updated it again and figure you’ll find it when ready.”
Thus began a piece of a story I started working on but I am not prepared to share the rest here.
Sometimes you keep some of it for yourself or those that truly appreciate what you put upon the page.
So you get less than 81,968 minutes of writing or at least some of you do.
There are others have gotten exponentially more than that and rumor has it they liked most of it.
h3> Daylight fled at a speed that made me wonder if perhaps heavenly forces were making the minutes move faster than normal. Watched my beloved Dodgers win another playoff game knowing the time difference would mean staying up late. Makes me chuckle a bit saying that because it is rare you don’t find me around at the midnight hour and beyond. Still the time allocated for writing is reduced because there are things to do so unless I am asked to write something for someone or highly motivated days like this will see fewer words produced. That is neither good nor bad but recognition that sometimes less can be more but what is most important is desire for output. If you don’t want to put out you sometimes find issues with quality and or interest from others. Meanwhile I am experimenting and testing out some ideas to see how they play out. Perhaps they’ll lead to that intimate connection that makes you want more becase you feel like you can’t breathe without it. Perhaps it will be the exact opposite or maybe something in between. If you don’t try you will never know and given my need to follow my gut I know what direction I am heading in. Using Google Plus Is Not Swimming Against The Current.
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