Dear Favorite Cougar,
I believe it was Chuckie Dickens who you quoted when you said your time was me was the best of times and the worst of times, but mostly the best of times.
I am sure you remember saying it and then clarifying the worst referred to when you couldn’t spend time with me.
“I understand my dear and I would kiss the tears from your eyes and hold you but you wouldn’t let me. You told me that no one could take better care of me than you, but we knew I could do the same for you.”
Somewhere in between that we had a fight and you complained that we couldn’t make up as we wanted to. Later I grabbed your head with both hands and looked you in the darkest part of your eyes.
“Are you mine forever?”
“You know I am.”
Somewhere after that you disappeared and I mourned your loss. I searched everywhere for you and then I decided you had done it intentionally.
So this is how I pictured you.
Drunk on a bench and desperate to get in touch with me but unwilling to admit it.
Drunk On A Bench
That could be a great story huh, you think it is a love story and then it turns out the protagonist is chasing a stuffed animal like one of those pink flamingos you find on the porch of some cities.
Anyhoo, I thought about fleshing out the story further and maybe making it part of the tale about the Toupee and the lives of the men whose heads it covered.
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow— one day it will be an awesome tale.
I could integrate the two pretty easily and let them talk to each other. Hell, I could really go to town and use this as part of it too.
Some of you are asking what is wrong with that man and I don’t blame you. The dude is kind of a crazy fellow who does his own thing and isn’t afraid to paint outside of the lines or play outside of the box.
Whether that is because of poor artistic skills or something else is a different story altogether and I’ll let you figure that out.
Hell, if I finish the letter to my favorite cougar it will be something so memorable it will either leave you crying and laughing or pretty damn angry, maybe both.
That is the magic of the electric kiss of imagination and creativity– it is an unstoppable force.
Since I may use this as part of the story I think I’ll add a part here as a sort of note. Something about what happens if I stick something in the cougar or not.
Could be a stick, a treasure map, two fingers or something like that. Maybe press a button that makes the cougar smile. Have to thinj about it, don’t want to wear it out too quickly.
Young men and all that.
Suppose I’ll move the nonsense elsewhere and end on a more serious note for posterity’s sake.
Tonight was the final debate between Joe Biden and the Walking Dumpster Fire. It was the best debate I have ever seen Joe participate in.
He showed strength and compassion and made us feel hopeful again.
Let me repeat, he made us feel hopeful again that we have leadership that is interested in the collective good of all Americans and not just some.
We can’t know for certain what kind of president he’ll be unless he is elected but for the first time in a long while it feels like maybe, just maybe we have someone who is going to try to lead us out of the dark and back into the light.
That is worth celebrating, even if just for a moment.
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