Our friends at Buffer receive full credit for producing the infographic below. We have received some criticism about some of the infographics we have uploaded here being hard to read so I tried to make it easier with this one.
My guess is we’ll have mixed results here. If you are on a computer or tablet it should be very easy to read but those of you who are trying to digest it on a phone may not enjoy the experience.
A few comments about the information below.
Ideal lengths are generally based upon real numbers (as in there is a character count limit) and studies that people/companies conducted which means you don’t always have to adhere to them.
Sometimes they make better guidelines than rules. I am a believer that content that is entertaining, informative and educational presents you with reasons and ability to adjust as you wish.
Of course I am the guy who wants to be The Dread Pirate Roberts and every one knows pirates aren’t fond of rules so keep that in mind.
Hey Josh
Interesting that many of the suggested character lengths are much shorter than I’d imagined!
Apart from the ideal blog post length. At 1,600 words, I reckon that’s a bit long for most blogs.
I like the idea of using a larger font and fewer characters per line. That’s not something I’d thought of but I might experiment with it to see how it looks!
@timbonner:disqus When I changed to this theme I noticed time on page increased. I think whatever we do to make it easier to read helps. Larger font, fewer character probably makes it easier on the eyes so…
I am a skeptic about the perfect length for blog posts. People read 1000 page books so 1,600 words will work provided it is entertaining/informative/educational. Doesn’t have to be all of them, just one is enough.