I make a point to break experiment with this blog because I am interested in figuring out what tools and resources are most effective.
In an effort to build community I am not adverse to playing with the commenting system to see if one is truly superior to another which is part of why I turned off CommentLuv, switched on Livefyre and then added Google Plus and Triberr.
If It’s Not Broken…
Yeah, I know, I took something that was working and beat it up a little bit. I wasn’t totally sure that I was going to add Google Plus comments but the Chris Lang post/video was intriguing and then I figured it might be fun to play Dr. Frankenstein again.
The Google Plus comment box looks great but it is pushing the Livefyre comment box down so I need to play with things a bit to see if I can fix that.
I may leave the current configuration up for a few days or if I get a lot of negative feedback I may not.
But I am a big fan of Google Plus and I think we are going to see some really good things come because of it and I suspect we may see some SEO value in Google Plus comments too.
And I am curious to see if this helps to build my presence on Google Plus as well.
Should You Use Google Plus Comments On Your Blog?
I don’t know the answer to that question yet. I didn’t really write this to serve as a “how to” post but I am hopeful that we can generate enough conversation/discussion here to answer it or at least provide some solid feedback.
My experience thus far with Google Plus has been excellent which is why I shared how to create Google Plus badge for your blog and have often discussed the value of Google Plus Hangouts.
Updated to suggest you read Danny Brown’s post about The Future Of Social Conversations.
Your Turn
What do you think? Do you have any thoughts or ideas to share about Google Plus Comments?
Let’s talk about it.
Try http://wordpress.org/plugins/gplus-comments/, which allows you to show multiple tabs and systems. i did use it, but found it messed up Livefyre linkback. However, if you don’t use that, pretty solid plugin 🙂
More info on this post I wrote a couple of weeks back:
Danny Brown Thank you for the tip. I will take a look at it. Off to read your post.