Welcome to the greatest post ever written about 19 ways to make money while blogging from the bathroom. I want to congratulate you for being smart enough to read this post before I convert it into an ebook that I will sell for the low, low price of only $19.99.
Some of you are probably wondering why you would pay $19.99 for my ebook when you can purchase other ebooks for only $3.99 but you shouldn’t worry your pretty little heads about it because if you are willing to buy an ebook about 19 ways you can make money while blogging from the bathroom then I am really not charging you as much as I should.
That is because I could double the price and it still would be a bargain.
Sometimes You Get What You Pay For
I am starting to pare down the number of newsletters I subscribe to because the content lacks value and since it is digital I cannot wrap my fish in it nor line a birdcage.
The blogosphere is saturated with a million examples of people who are pumping out content without regard or concern for whether anyone can benefit from it because they heard/think they can make a couple of bucks doing this.
It is a fact, you can make money from blogging. I have done it on multiple occasions and I have an understanding and idea for how to create a sustainable business model. But there is a difference between understanding how and making it happen.
There is a different between thought and action but that distinction isn’t what I am here to talk about.
Nah, I am here to talk about a solution to the massive amounts of noise and blogosphere clutter that Gini Dietrich and the Spin Sucks crew refuse to endorse:
Killer Dolphins.
Yeah, the time has come for us to turn Flipper into a weapon of content destruction. We are going to engage in some blogger outreach and invite everyone to show up at an exclusive beach party where they will be courted by brands who want to hire bloggers as paid brand ambassadors.
Millions of people who believe anything they read online will converge on the beach and then enter the water where our crack team of water bound commandos will knock them off one by one thereby ridding the blogosphere of useless noise and clutter freeing it up for those people who really deserve attention.
Is it crazy? It is outlandish? Is it ridiculous?
Well maybe.
We might not get everyone to go to the beach. Some people might be afraid of sharks.
So we might have to have a second option where others visit Cleveland and then take a boat on the burning river.
Is This A Real Post Or A Rant?
I guarantee some people will ask if this is a real post or a rant and my answer will be it is both.
It is a quick ten minute writing job where I complain about a real problem. The blogosphere is cluttered and noisy. It is filled with a lot of junk from people (some of whom may be well meaning) who are pushing out garbage that diminishes and devalues the hard work of others.
The biggest bloggers aren’t necessarily the smartest or best writers, but some of them are among the best marketers.
Is that fair, right or legitimate?
Well, life isn’t fair and it is not right but it is legitimate.
People are entitled to pump out the content, even when it is totally ridiculous. And people are entitled to pay for that ridiculous content, if they so choose.
Some people may engage in blogger outreach.
Your Choice
It is up to you to decide what you want to do, as for me, well I have made a decision. I have cut down my consumption of dramatically because there isn’t enough time in the day to do all that I want to and this is one way to find more time.
I am no different than most writers in that I hope this blog leads to a deal that allows me to retire before I turn 50 so that I can spend my life doing whatever I want, but what I won’t do is try to please everyone.
So sometimes I may rant and sometimes I may share stories about life in Texas.
And intermixed with it all I might share some insight about social media and doing business online, but what I won’t do is give away my secret for 19 ways you can make money while blogging from the bathroom because that would just be crappy.
I like your tales from Texas (and alliteration, obviously). More and more I’m most intrigued by personal stories on blog posts. I know plenty about social media. I don’t want to know anything about SEO. I’d like to be entertained.
I think you’ve got things figured out…and a bargain at $19.99
Hi Brian,
I am biased, but I like the personal stories too. They are often more interesting and easier to relate to. Entertainment is something that people want and need, so I see a lot of value in it.
Long live Mr. Chompers.
Hi Josh
Well I am not the one that would go to the beach! Wouldn’t buy your title either. Maybe if it was 9 from the kitchen. LOL
I am getting tired of the ones I used to follow and who now are just trying to sell me stuff. If they also had some substance it might spark my interest. Have unsubscribed to quite a few lately, as they are only interested in themselves. I know what you mean by not enough time to do everything.
As long as you call it “exclusive” and mention “paid” you should be in business.
I’m now looking forward to Reader disappearing as it will be a chance to start over with the 10 or 20 blogs I actually read. Nothing like eliminating clutter from our lives (even the virtual kind).
Exclusivity and offers that are limited because they are time sensitive work wonders. There is something nice about starting over with fewer blogs to read.
Hi, Joshua, love the vision of Flipper in a superman costume! And you are so RIGHT!
Hi Barbara,
Thank you. That Flipper is a crafty beast. Hope you are doing well.
And before you can say “killer dolphins” someone who’s reading this will quickly put out a book titled “How to blog from the bathroom and make money” and sell it for $3.99
I am laughing my head off here because just yesterday, Sury mentioned being unable to junk mail and use it to wrap stuff!
Hugs. No matter what you write, I am a fan!
Hi Vidya,
I make a point never to be the low price leader, those cut rate people are welcome to take the crowd that doesn’t understand you get what you pay for because they only provide 12 steps in their books. ๐
muwahhahahahaha…..just sayin’
Nice to see your return to the usual snarky bluster; missed you, and good to have you back in rare form.
I’m sure you’re NOT talking about me, but since you never subscribed to my very first inaugural newsletter, I do believe you are.
So, b/c I have had the flu for 5 freaking days, I get to say this…bite me.
I make a point to never bite people from Ohio because they carry some nasty bugs. ๐
No I did not what?