I don’t know about you but the “New” iTunes presents the same primary challenge to me as the “old” iTunes did.
You can call it organization and duplication.
It is really a fancy way of saying that I have managed to duplicates of many of my songs and it is making me a bit crazy. It is not a case of having different versions or covers of those songs either.
For example I have three versions of In my Life as performed by The Beatles, Ozzy Osbourne and Johnny Cash.
Too Many Copies?
That doesn’t bother me because even though it is the same song each version is different. What I am mildly troubled by is the 287 copies of In My Life by The Beatles.
I am trying to figure out if there is an easy way to clean things up that won’t give me trouble. I have around 15,000 songs on iTunes but because of the duplicates I know the real number is different.
But that is not really a concern because I am not trying to win a contest for having more songs than the next person.
All I want to do is clean things up so that my iTunes isn’t filled with crap and clutter and I want to do so without accidentally deleting files I need.
So the question of the moment is what is the most effective and efficient way of cleaning it up without creating any issues.
If you have any suggestions I am open to hearing them.
What I hate is that just when I get used to something, they come up with an update. I haven’t tried cleaning up as yet. Maybe it will be the resolution for the new year?